You cannot realise what it is means to me to leave the piano. It is like a day of sorrow. It robs me of the light that illuminated the early years of my life and has grown inseparable with it. You see, my piano is to me like the frigate to the mariner, the horse to the Arab.. and more than that even! Until now , it has been my whole existence, my language, my life. It is the guardian of all the fervent emotions of my youth. I confide to it all my desires, all my dreams, my joys and sorrows. Its’ strings tremble under my emotion, its yielding keys resound to all my moods. Franz Liszt (1811–1886)
Hungarian virtuoso FranzLiszt's compositions are known for dramatic flourishes, difficult passages and mesmerising melodies. This short, profound piece sparsely populated with notes contains a feast of musical intricacies that yields the listener to contemplate while tugging at the heart strings. History suggests the composition is fortified of Liszt's sadness at the passing of Chopin, that it is a perhaps a homage to their friendship. The melody is in fact a very close companion to Chopin Nocturne Op 27 No 2. Listen and you will hear the musical conversation between the two giants from Romantic era.
Renowned concert pianist Valentina Lisitisa's graceful interpretation of the illustrious composition is hypnotic and recreates a musical ballet whilst gliding and caressing the piano keys.
Everyone is against me. Catholics because they find my church music profane. Protestants, because to them my music is Catholic. Freemasons because they think my music is too clerical. To conservatives I am revolutionary, to the futurists I am old Jacobin. As for the Italians in spite of Sgambati, if they support Garibaldi m, they detest me as a hypocrite. If they are on the site of the Vatican I’m accused of bringing the Venusberg into the church. To Bayreuth I am not a composer but a publicity agent. The Germans reject my music as French; the French as German. To the Austrians I write gypsy music, to the Hungarian foreign music. And the Jews loathe me, my music and myself for no reason at all. Franz Liszt (1811–1886)
When end of life nears, would you be reconciled if this was the last piece of music to pas through your ears..?